How-To Tutorial: How to Start and Operate DocReader

Man with vision loss working on computer with screen reader

Man with vision loss working on computer with screen reader

Want to learn how to start and operate DocReader in ZoomText 10?

I have attached a How-To Tutorial: How to Start and Operate DocReader in ZoomText 10 with 8 simple steps.

I’m going to show you through a step-by-step process on how to use DocReader, a primary reading tool for the visually impaired, so you can have your entire document read by a speech synthesizer from start to finish.

You can also watch my video tutorial to support your learning.

Writing for Web Accessibility: Tip #1

Business man sitting at white table with a white laptop on white background

Business man sitting at white table with a white laptop on white background

I recommend liberal use of white space (or negative space) for your websites, apps, and online manuals.

It is not only important for web design, but it helps individuals with vision impairments to process the text more efficiently. It also directs them to important information.

You can use white space around headings, margins, indentations, and columns.

I think there is a lot of elegance and power in white space. Plus, it ensures that we are following a website accessibility guideline, which ultimately benefits all of us.
